@extends('website.layouts.header') @section('styles') @endsection @section('content') @if(!empty($project_details)) @foreach($project_details as $project)
@if(!empty($project_images)) @foreach($project_images as $p_img) @if($project->id == $p_img->project_id )
@endif @endforeach @endif @php if(isset($project_videos)){ foreach($project_videos as $v){ if($project->id == $v->project_id ){ @endphp
@php echo $v->video_url; @endphp
@php } } } @endphp

@if(!empty($project->project_title)){{ $project->project_title }}@endif

Website Link

About The Project

@php if(!empty($project->project_desc)){ echo $project->project_desc; } @endphp

@if(!empty($comments)) @foreach($comments as $comment) @if(!empty($comment->investor_id)) @if(!empty($all_users)) @foreach($all_users as $all_user) @if(!empty($all_user->id == $comment->investor_id)) @else @endif @endforeach @endif @else @if(!empty($all_users)) @foreach($all_users as $all_user) @if(!empty($all_user->id == $comment->inventor_id)) @else @endif @endforeach @endif @endif @endforeach @endif
{{ csrf_field() }}
@else Send @endif
@if(isset($users)) @foreach($users as $user)

@if(!empty($user->name)){{ $user->name }}@endif @if(!empty($user->last_name)){{ $user->last_name }}@endif

@if(!empty($user->email)){{ $user->email }}@endif

Role @if(!empty($user->company_role)){{ $user->company_role }}@endif
@endforeach @endif
{{ csrf_field() }}
@if(!empty($project->investor_amount))${{ $project->investor_amount }}@endif

start your investing

@if(isset($favoritelist)) @if(count($favoritelist)> 0) @php foreach($favoritelist as $value){ $array[] = $value->project_id; } if (in_array($project->id, $array)){ @endphp add to watchlist @php }else{ @endphp add to watchlist @php } @endphp @else add to watchlist @endif @else @endif

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Fugiat quaerat nissimos doloremque impedit provident delectus.

@endforeach @endif @endsection @section('scripts') // $(document).ready(function(){ // // $("#city_section").hide(); // $("#subcategory_div").css("display", "none"); // var option = ''; // option += ""; // $('#project_category').change(function(){ // var id = $(this).val(); // $.ajax({ // url: "{{url('getSubCategories/explore')}}/"+id, // type: 'get', // success: function(response){ // var len = response.sub_categories.length; // var projectlen = response.projects.length; // if(len == '0'){ // $("#subcategory_div").css("display", "none"); // // var proj = ''; // // if(projectlen > 0){ // // for(var i=0; i


' // // // option += ""; // // } // // $("#project_section").html(proj); // // } // // } // }else{ // var option = ''; // if(len > 0){ // for(var i=0; i' // // option += ""; // } // $("#subcategory_div").css("display", "block"); // // var proj = ''; // // if(projectlen > 0){ // // for(var i=0; i


' // // // option += ""; // // } // // $("#project_section").append(proj); // // } // // } // $("#project_subcategory").html(option); // // $("#city_section").show(); // } // } // } // }); // }); // });
'+title+''if(isset($favoritelist)){ if(count($favoritelist)> 0) { foreach($favoritelist as $value){ $array[] = $value->project_id;}if(in_array($project->id, $array)){ }else{ }else{ }else{ @endif
@foreach($users as $user)@if($user->id == $project->inventor_id)
@endif @endforeach



Name Here

